The problem with life, unlike food it doesn’t carry a warning label!
Whilst preparing this manuscript for publication, the ‘powers-that-be’ suggested the anecdotes be appropriately arranged in subject order: introduction, home and garden, on the road, remembering the past, new technology, etc.
Shock and horror at the sight of such regimentation were only two of my emotions; strong words expressed the rest. ‘But that’s so dull,’ I wailed, ‘in any case, the anecdotes are in order. The order in which I wrote them.’
I wrote Broken shortly after Time Breaking. However, because it was for an older audience, it wasn't published until now. My granddaughter says it's my best book, possibly because she is eighteen and can relate to it.
Set in the local Somerset area of Street and Glastonbury, I have used many real locations although its caracters are all fictional.
Why did I write something so very different from my children's books?
Living in a small town or village in the countryside may sound great and it is except for youngsters, with little to do and no buses to take you places. My daughter swam for Street Swimming Club and driving her back and forth to training, we would pass gangs of teenagers sat on the kerb or hanging about the churchyard. I always said if I had loads of money I would build a skate park. I didn't get loads of money but Street and Glastonbury did get a skate park.
I loved writing Kidnap and think the music chosen by my granddaughter for the video is totally perfect. Called Escalation, it certainly gets your heart pounding.
"I so hate my life. Why can't I be someone else?"
But plunged into the nightmare world of the 17th century is not exactly what Molly had in mind when she said this.
'Running is pretty much that epic novel that we would all like to read but have yet to find, only in this case I have found it.' Leanne Bell
The idea for Running eventually came to me when I was in the local garage, waiting to have the battery on my golf trolley charged up. I got talking with a guy with a motor bike, a blue and white Suzucki 1000cc, who told me about riding up to Scotland. We chatted for about half-an-hour and when we eventually left the garage, I knew exactly what I wanted to write: a futuristic thriller, it's main character ... a motor bike. And Turning Point - I swapped a motor bike for guns and a 4 x 4.